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Unit 2: Sports Report

How do important decisions impact a person's life?

In these texts, readers explore what it is like to be faced with important decisions, and how these decisions affect a person's life.


Performance Task: Write a story of an important event or decision; it can be real or imagined. What understanding or insight did this experience reveal?

What can we learn about ourselves from studying sports and athletes?

In these texts, readers explore the idea that for athletes, mental determination can play as crucial a role as physical prowess.


Performance Task: "Sports performance has just as much to do with mental strength ad agility as with physical prowess." Develop or refute this claim in an argumentative essay. 

What are the causes and effects of natural disasters?

Through the presentation of data and the recounting of personal experiences, authors of a science article and literary nonfiction experpt show how natural disasters impact the world.


Performance Task: Compare and contrast the strategies and techniques that each author uses to describe the causes and effects of disasters. Consider text structure, choice of vocabulary, and use of data and details.

How do people express opinions in meaningful ways?

In these texts, authors explore issues of justice, equality, and the role of the individual in democracy.


Performance Task: Compare and contrast two writers' perspectives on democracy. Analyze the strategies they use to convey their perspectives.

Unit 4: Nature's Fury
Unit 3: Your Vote! Your Rights!

7th Grade Curriculum



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